[Qgis-user] Survey on desktop based geoprivacy plugin

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Tue Oct 1 06:03:15 PDT 2024

Pankajeshwara Sharma via QGIS-User <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org> writes:

> We believe that this is the ideal place to ask this question. *Would a
> desktop-based geoprivacy plugin be more receptive to users than its online
> version?*

You said "we" but you are writing from a gmail address.

Can you explain who "we" are, and why anyone should feel comfortable
running your code, or entering information into a google form?

I'm not saying things are not ok, but the language sounds pretty heavy
on marketing buzzwords vs open source nerds.    I'm guessing MapSafe is
some kind of company, but that's left out of your message.

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