[Qgis-user] Survey on desktop based geoprivacy plugin

Emma Hain emma at north-road.com
Tue Oct 1 15:26:01 PDT 2024

Hi All
Just helping Pankajeshwara
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/pankajeshwara/?originalSubdomain=nz>here as we
have had connections within the FOSS4G Oceania community and he presented
<https://youtu.be/7Yx3liBvb14?si=OietOxgxDVyba5dz>at our regional
conference last year.

He is trying to make this plugin the best that he can. From my
understanding, he has developed this concept from the basis of protecting
Indigenous data through trust to increase sovereignty and has a strong
background in OSS.
Pankaj I believe currently works on his own having finished his tenure as a
research fellow at University of Auckland. Here is his github: sharmapn

Can the community assist if you feel this is not the forum for his
questions, guide him elsewhere or in other methods - e.g. would you say
that perhaps for him  to target a possible discipline or user group rather
than this email list?


On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 at 23:03, Greg Troxel via QGIS-User <
qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Pankajeshwara Sharma via QGIS-User <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org> writes:
> > We believe that this is the ideal place to ask this question. *Would a
> > desktop-based geoprivacy plugin be more receptive to users than its
> online
> > version?*
> You said "we" but you are writing from a gmail address.
> Can you explain who "we" are, and why anyone should feel comfortable
> running your code, or entering information into a google form?
> I'm not saying things are not ok, but the language sounds pretty heavy
> on marketing buzzwords vs open source nerds.    I'm guessing MapSafe is
> some kind of company, but that's left out of your message.
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Emma Hain — Product Manager/Senior GIS Analyst
emma at north-road.com
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*North Road*
Cartography • Development • Spatial Analysis
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