[Qgis-user] Mis-projection in version 3.28 Firenze only

Jochen Albrecht jochen.albrecht at gmail.com
Mon Sep 23 11:09:45 PDT 2024


I am teaching with the latest version of OSgeo-Live, which runs QGIS 3.28.
I am using for my class a small demo shapefile, which happens to be in
EPSG:31287 (Austria, Styria). QGIS 3.28 places this file into the
Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of France.
Earlier versions of QGIS (in previous years of teaching), as well as my
current stand-alone version 3.38 are placing the data correctly into the
province of Styria in Austria. The problem occurs only in version 3.28.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that any attempt at transforming the
data is rendered futile in this particular version of QGIS because none of
the reprojection dialogues allow me to specify a transformation. I even
tried to define a new coordinate system using the transformation parameters
given by QGIS 3.38 (see the bottom of this email). Applying these, places
the data again into the Mediterranean.

I have been teaching with QGIS for over 20 years, and this is a new one for
me. The easy solution would be to just not use version of QGIS 3.28. But it
is the one that has been burned into the current OSgeo-Live distribution.
The whole purpose of OSgeo-Live is to work with versions of the individual
software packages that have proven to play nice with each other.

At this point, I am at a loss to advise my students what to do, or to even
explain what is happening here. It is as if the particular coordinate
system library for this version has a bug that nobody has come across
before. Am I missing something?


Dr. Jochen Albrecht, GISP (he/him/his)

Professor for Computational and Theoretical Geography

Department of Geography and Environmental Science

Hunter College CUNY

695 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10065

Immediate Past-President, GIS Certification Institute

Recently published: GIS and Housing: Principles and Practices
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