[Qgis-user] Mis-projection in version 3.28 Firenze only

Andrea Giudiceandrea andreaerdna at libero.it
Mon Sep 23 12:15:56 PDT 2024

> Jochen Albrecht jochen.albrecht at gmail.com
> Mon Sep 23 11:09:45 PDT 2024

> I am teaching with the latest version of OSgeo-Live, which runs QGIS 3.28.
> I am using for my class a small demo shapefile, which happens to be in
> EPSG:31287 (Austria, Styria). QGIS 3.28 places this file into the
> Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of France.

Hi Jochen,
I've used QGIS 3.28.5 and 3.28.15 without any issue about on-the-fly 
reprojection and about reprojecting layers, so I don't think the issue 
is actually in QGIS, but problably in the way it was build and 
distributed by OSGeoLive alongside the libraries and related data on 
which it depends.
I think you need to report the issue to the OSGeoLive developers.

May you please provide the layer you have issues with and the exact step 
to follow in order to replicate the issue?

Best regards.


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