[Qgis-user] Create Geometry for virtual layer
John Stevenson - BGS
jostev at bgs.ac.uk
Mon Sep 30 06:32:14 PDT 2024
avg(_gfsGEO_RECHTSWERT) as x,
avg(_gfsGEO_HOCHWERT) as y,
st_point(x, y) as geom
from Temp_near_GFS
group by Filename, _gfsfid
If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace x, y in the st_point call with the full calculations e.g.
st_point( avg(_gfsGEO_RECHTSWERT), avg(_gfsGEO_HOCHWERT) )
From: QGIS-User <qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Roland Spielhofer via QGIS-User
Sent: 30 September 2024 13:45
To: QGIS User <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [Qgis-user] Create Geometry for virtual layer
I have a query like this
SELECT avg(_gfsGEO_RECHTSWERT) as x, avg(_gfsGEO_HOCHWERT) as y, Filename, _gfsfid, _gfsKURZNAME, avg(T_C) FROM Temp_near_GFS group by Filename, _gfsfid
to average some values accoring to their attributes.
I get a new virtual layer and the attribute table content looks fine, x and y are populated as well with reasonable values.
What I am struggling is to create the actual points / geometries to make the locations visible.
How do I modify the statement so that I can specify a "geometry column" as expected by the Creat/Modify Virtual layer GUI in the bottom of the form?
TIA Roland
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