[Qgis-user] Survey on desktop based geoprivacy plugin

Pankajeshwara Sharma pankajeshwara at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 20:55:01 PDT 2024

Dear QGIS users,

We believe that this is the ideal place to ask this question. *Would a
desktop-based geoprivacy plugin be more receptive to users than its online

We've created the MapSafe QGIS geoprivacy plugin that helps protect
sensitive data. It offers geomasking, hexabinning, and encryption for
anonymized data sharing and also uses blockchain notarization for
authenticity verification. *The *plugin can be downloaded from the plugins
option within QGIS*. * The plugin compliments the browser-based tool of the
same name (https://www.mapsafe.xyz/safeguard.html) by accommodating masking
and encryption of much larger datasets.

Geoprivacy, akin to cybersecurity, requires a multi-platform approach to
meet varied user requirements and trust preferences. Desktop GIS
applications remain crucial for data analysis, offering comprehensive
features, offline functionality, and seamless integration with other
software. These attributes naturally engender user trust. By implementing
geoprivacy features in desktop GIS applications, we can broaden access to
these tools and seamlessly incorporate them into GIS professionals'
existing workflows. This approach also harnesses the superior computational
power and customization options inherent to desktop environments.

In this regard, we would be glad if you could fill out this 5-question
survey which should not take more than 5 minutes:

Yours truly,
Pankaj Sharma

QGIS Plugin download: https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/mapsafe
Plugin Home page: https://sharmapn.github.io/MapSafeQGISGeoPrivPlugin
Youtube video demonstrating the plugin's features:
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