[Qgis-user] Qgis / Orfeo Toolbox (windows) : Memory error

celati Laurent laurent.celati at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 04:33:55 PST 2025

I'm taking the liberty to post a message. I work with windows 11, Qgis
3.34.13. I work with OrfeoToolbox 9 via Qgis interface
(GenericRegionMerging segmentation module). Please find below the
characteristics of my Windows station:

Name of the operating system Microsoft Windows 11 Professional
> Type PC based on x64
> Processor 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13700H, 2400 MHz, 14 core(s), 20
> logical processor(s)
> Installed physical memory (RAM) 32.0 GB
> Total physical memory 31.7 GB
> Available physical memory 17.8 GB
> Total virtual memory 39.4 GB
> Available virtual memory 23.0 GB
> Space for the swap file 7.75 GB

I manage to generate segmentations without error messages on small areas.
But as soon as my input image is larger, I am faced with problems probably
memory limitations. I share the error messages.
Could you share some recommendations? Should I change the memory allocation
currently allocated to Orfeotoolbox? To Qgis? Or change the strategy in
terms of processor solicitation?

2025-02-24 10:39:57 (INFO) GenericRegionMerging: Default RAM limit for OTB
is 256 MB
2025-02-24 10:39:57 (INFO) GenericRegionMerging: GDAL maximum cache size is
1621 MB
2025-02-24 10:39:57 (INFO) GenericRegionMerging: OTB will use at most 20
2025-02-24 10:39:57 (INFO): Loading metadata from official product
2025-02-24 10:45:37 (FATAL) GenericRegionMerging: Caught std::exception
during application execution: bad allocation
Execution completed in 361.86 secondes (6 minutes 2 secondes)

Many thanks.
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