[Qgis-user] ideas/examples of atlas/report with multiple pictures for each object?

Stefan Giese (WhereGroup) stefan.giese at wheregroup.com
Fri Jan 24 02:13:01 PST 2025


I would use an Atlas - better then report, since reports haven't been 
further developed - and then use 3 pages. You can add pages clicking in 
the menu: Layout -> add pages. Then you go to page properties for the 
second page. there is a checkbox "exclude page from export" where you 
can use data defined override to check if the first photo on this page - 
photo number 3 for example does exists. You can use the function:

not file_exists(@project_folder  || '/photos/' || "object_id" || '/basename_' || "picture_id" || '.jpg').

If the photo does not exists, the page will not be exported, do the same 
with the third page...

Best regards

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Stefan Giese

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stefan.giese at wheregroup.com
Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm
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Am 24.01.2025 um 08:50 schrieb Voisard François via QGIS-User:
> Hi all,
> I am looking for ideas/examples how to create a report (or an atlas) where for each object (e.g. public gardens) we have a variable number of photos (let's say 1 up to 9) that we would like to display.
> The photos are named and stored so that we can fetch them by an expression like this:
> @project_folder  || '/photos/' || "object_id" || '/basename_' || "picture_id" || '.jpg'
> The issue I run into is that I would need a loop to get all the photos in the object_id folder and that depending on the number I'd probably have, one up to three pages with photos depending on the layout.
> A very simple example of a layout would be like this :https://sitn.ne.ch/web/diffusion/tmp/qgis_atlas_example.png
> Any suggestions how to approach it? Report or atlas?
> With an HTML element block maybe?
> Any existing examples?
> Many thanks for your help and best regards,
> François Voisard
> Ingénieur en géomatique
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