[Qgis-user] Saving CRS to Surfer 7 grd file
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sun Jan 26 10:24:26 PST 2025
There's no support for SRS handling (both in reading or writing) in the
GDAL GS7BG driver:
Missing feature likely. Nobody has significantly touched this driver in
the last 17 years since it was initially contributed. We were even
considering removing the write side as there was no evidence it was used
at all.
Can you share sample datasets of grids created by Surfer with a CRS
assigned to them?
Le 26/01/2025 à 19:00, Neil Watson via QGIS-User a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have been trying to save a CRS to Surfer 7 grid files for
> distribution to other users. If I assign the CRS (EPSG 26912) to the
> grid in Surfer, it is recognized by Surfer. If I assign it within a
> QGIS (3.34) project everything works well. But if I try to assign the
> CRS within QGIS either through Assign Projection or Exporting the
> file, the CRS isn't recognized by ARC GIS or QGIS.
> Am I missing a step or is there a bug or something?
> Sincerely,
> Neil Watson, P. Geol.
> Director, Geology
> (m) 403-669-4457
> http://www.enlightengeoscience.com/
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