[Qgis-user] Code of area calculation in qgis (ellipsoid WGS84)

Gabor Szakacs gabor.szakacs at agreena.com
Mon Jan 27 05:35:29 PST 2025

Hi there,
I seek to calculate area (in hectares) in a MultiPolygon layer in crs 4326,
without the need to reproject to projected coordinates.

I was able to get this done using Python, but the calculation takes much
longer than the area calculation in QGIS (elipsoide wGS84), using $area.
Both area calculations are identical until the 6th decimal place of a
hectare (= < 1m2).

To speed up area calculation, I would like to know the code snippet that
QGIS is using to calculate $area.

Any help is very much appreciated!



Dr. Gabor Szakacs
Geospatial Analyst in Regenerative Agriculture

+55 11 989319305

gabor.szakacs at agreena.com


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