[Qgis-user] Disable map update in Layout Editor?

Tobias Schula geospatial at schula.org
Sun Mar 9 13:49:30 PDT 2025

Hi Em

> On Mon, 3 Mar 2025 at 20:32, Tobias Schula via QGIS-User <
> > is it possible to disable the updating of maps in the layout editor, once
> > I
> > have set scale and extend? 

Am Dienstag, 4. März 2025, 21:34 schrieb Emma Hain:
> Please correct me if I am wrong but by clicking `Lock Layers` this may work
> for you.
> https://docs.qgis.org/3.40/en/docs/user_manual/print_composer/composer_items
> /composer_map.html#layers

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, that is not a solution for my problem. 
When I wrote "updating" I meant "refreshing". I just tested it again. I have a 
layout with 12 pages and 33 different maps, each showing a different view of my 
mapping project. The individual maps show 3 different map themes. Switching 
from map themes to lock layers doesn't change the outcome.

Just opening this layout freezes QGIS for more than 5 minutes. Just scrolling 
through the 12 pages is glacially slow, moving an item is choppy, I need to 
select it and press the mouse button for half a minute before I can start to 
move it. Then another scroll or zoom in the layout will cause another refresh 
and another long wait.

So far I haven't found a way to turn of the refresh. It would be sufficient for 
QGIS to just cache a static low resolution image of the individual map's 
content and only refresh it, when I change the view or manually refresh. In 
it's current state it's unusable for me and I need to come up with a 
workaround for my upcoming 10 similar projects.

Best regards
Tobias A Schula
Forestry Expert

geospatial at schula.org

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