[OSGeo-qc] Between the Poles: Quantifying the Business Benefits of
Open Geospatial Standards
Yves Moisan
yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Ven 16 Juil 13:42:57 EDT 2010
Pour ceux d'entre vous qui êtes gestionnaires, cet article chiffre les
économies liées à une infrastructure de données partagée et ouverte :
Un extrait :
"A more concrete study was undertaken in Catalonia where an investment
in standards-based spatial data infrastructure (SDI) of €1.5 million
over the four year period 2002-2006, realized efficiency savings of 500
hours per month, equivalent to about €2.6 million for the entire period.
In addition local government in Catalonia estimated an effectiveness
savings of 480 hours per month. An important wider social benefit was
narrowing the digital gap between larger and smaller municipalities,
which meant that as a result of INSPIRE, smaller municipalities were
able to offer their residents services that had previously been only
available in larger centres."
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