[Ráfaga]Nº1086: usa, relief, depopulation, africa, litter, 3d

jsanz at cartodb.com jsanz at cartodb.com
Fri May 3 02:28:04 PDT 2019

N°1086: usa, relief, depopulation, africa, litter, 3d

by Raf

Visualizing and understanding USA critical issues like employment, education, and industries  

Using the Mapbox SDK and Unity to develop a relief visualization website 

Spanish depopulation: how it affects to infrastructures, investments, and essential services 

Facebook did the most detailed population map of Africa using deep learning, available for download by country 

An open crowdsourced project to encourage plastic litter recycling, reporting about street litter, and giving away "littercoins" (valueless blockchain) 

An application built using Python, CesiumJS and Google Maps API to present estimated travel times and directions using a 3D map 

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