[Ráfaga]Nº1087: pollution, vector tiles, geotiff, cog, wines, trip

jsanz at cartodb.com jsanz at cartodb.com
Mon May 6 05:15:29 PDT 2019

N°1087: pollution, vector tiles, geotiff, cog, wines, trip

by Raf

Almost one from every five cases of child asthma comes from car air pollution 

Martin is a PostGIS vector tiles server aimed to big datasets and written in Rust 

Terracotta is a simple Open Source raster tiles server written with Flask and Rasterio to serve GeoTIFF as quick as possible 

A Django application to convert regular GeoTIFFs into Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs (COG) for easy publishing 

A world map of all the wine-producing regions and their different denominations 

The 20.000km route that connects all the contiguous USA state capitals 

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