[Ráfaga]Nº1088: walk, investment, ai, measles, africa, brindisi

jsanz at cartodb.com jsanz at cartodb.com
Tue May 7 03:10:29 PDT 2019

N°1088: walk, investment, ai, measles, africa, brindisi

by Raf

A real estate portal in the USA that focuses on scoring places by their walk score 

A World cartogram showing countries by their direct abroad investment 

Cartography in the age of Artificial Intelligence: can we leave maps in robots hands? 

Measles cases reported so far this year in the USA, already outbalancing 2014 which was the worst so far 

The presence of the USA in Africa has always been described as minor, but is not 

The Brindisi webgis portal has more than 120 past and present information layers for land management 

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