[Ráfaga]Nº1160: merge, visualizations, python, arduino, monochrome, foss4g2019
Jorge Sanz
xurxosanz at gmail.com
Fri Sep 6 00:48:19 PDT 2019
Nº1160: merge, visualizations, python, arduino, monochrome, foss4g2019
Fri, 06 Sep 2019 by Raf
* (Geo) Data Merger is an Open Source tool to help you joining
datasets in CSV, JSON, GeoJSON, and TopoJSON formats
* RAW Maps is an Open Source tool to help you producing attractive
visualizations from different sources and in 5 simple steps
* "Geographic Data Science with PySAL and the Pydata Stack" is a
constant work in progress book about geospatial science with Python,
always open to contributors
* ArduSimple is a low-cost GNSS high-precision platform fully
compatible with Arduino
* All the finalists and awards for the 2019 Monocarto competition on
monochrome maps, briefly described
* @oobr offers a personal overview of the 2019 FOSS4G conference held
in Bucharest
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