[Ráfaga] #1819: python, routes, neighborhoods

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Mon May 9 08:01:42 PDT 2022

#1819: python, routes, neighborhoods

Mon, 09 May 2022 by Raf

* "Introduction to Python Scripting for Geospatial" is a geospatial
programming course with Python playing ArcPy and Pandas and Geopia and
the APIs and carto-python with lessons on Jupyter Notebook


* The Indian Ocean is a crossroads of trade routes fundamental to the
geopolitical and economic interests for both its coastal states and
the external countries to which it supplies goods and services.


* The "Neighborhood Generator", which will end up integrated on the
same page with the other generators of urban environment, now
incorporates three different types of neighborhoods, large buildings
and other improvements



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