[Ráfaga] #2782: offshore, hidden, toponymy

Rafagas team xurxosanz at gmail.com
Thu May 16 02:49:12 PDT 2024

#2782: offshore, hidden, toponymy

Thu, 16 May 2024 by Raf

* Global map of offshore renewable energy production, with facilities
and interconnections and supporting vessels and infrastructure


* Hidden maps, sales ban, alteration of information and other measures
to maintain military secrets in Swiss cartography, until 1991 imposed
the principle of perception that still applies today [DE]


* A technique that combines Photoshop and Illustrator to create
trapping that enhances the legibility of toponymy and blend smoothly
with the shaded relief of the map background


Translated by Isaac, Jaume, Jorge, and Wladimir

web: https://geoinquiets.github.io/rafagas/2024/05-16.html
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