[Ráfaga] #2783: crops, green, newspapers

Rafagas team xurxosanz at gmail.com
Fri May 17 04:00:39 PDT 2024

#2783: crops, green, newspapers

Fri, 17 May 2024 by Raf

* CroplandCROS hosts the 1997-2023 Cropland Data Layer (CDL) for area
analysis and statistics of U.S. planted commodities, geolocating
farms, and exporting area-of-interest maps


* London Greenground Map allows you to explore the city by linking
green spaces, waterways and paths through a route of 1,200 parks and
open spaces


* Guide map of all the newspapers published in the world, with direct
link to the digital medium and selection of the translation language
so you don't miss any news and have all the points of view (2011


Translated by Isaac, Jaume, Jorge, and Wladimir

web: https://geoinquiets.github.io/rafagas/2024/05-17.html
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