[SAC] New Blades - Initialization and tasking

Allan Doyle adoyle at eogeo.org
Tue Jul 25 08:40:34 EDT 2006

It sounds to me like a very short introduction to what the blade  
servers are, what kinds of CPUs, disks, etc. are available might be a  
good idea. Maybe there's even already a web page someone could direct  
is to that has this information.


On Jul 25, 2006, at 08:32, Benjamin Thelen wrote:

> Hello Frank,
> Frank Warmerdam schrieb:
>> Folks,
>> John has a bunch of shiny new blades setup now that kickstart is  
>> working
>> again.  /me ^5's John!
> What is kickstart? I found this on wikipedia
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kickstart. You'll directly see that
> telascience seems to use Amiga ;-))!?
> Well, it must have something to do with bootstrapping?
>> Anyways, I have LDAP enabled and yum updated so I  
>> think it is
>> ready for folks with ldap shell access to log into.
>> I'd be happy to do the same for .216 and .217 as needed.
> You suggest to install "FOSS GIS Book Wiki" on .219. I'd like to  
> "resuggest" - you didn't have a real chance to read my last mail,  
> yet - to use one machine, e.g .217 for all the wikis. Or are the  
> blades to powerful, that it would be wasted power to use just one  
> blade for some simple wikis? Don't know.
> I assume that "FOSS GIS Book Wiki" is the same as "freegis book  
> wiki", which was asked by edu at osgeo.org to setup?
> I wonder, how the backup works for all these blades. Is there  
> already a solution?
> Is it possible to install a FreeBSD on one blade? That really would  
> be cool. I'd like to setup WMS services, mapserver, GeoServer on it.
> Benjamin
>> John has added lots of info in the system status page, and I've been
>> trying to keep some notes on what I've done.
>>   http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/SAC_Service_Status
>> I'm seeing a whole bunch of services (and DNS entries) for  
>> including the LDAP server.  This server also seems to be ldap  
>> enabled now.
>> I had been under the impression that we were planning to keep the  
>> server as "most secure", with essentially no other services on  
>> it.  Has
>> that changed?  I do think we need to work out some policy on what  
>> goes
>> where, with security and stability vs. flexibility in mind.
>> For instance, we might designate something like:
>> (shell.telascience.org)
>>     - Low security.
>>     - anyone with shell access can ssh login.
>>     - anyone with Admin access can sudo.
>>     - used by geodata for processing
>>     - setting up ephemeral services for experiments, etc.
>>     - buildbot slave.
>>      - Medium security
>>      - anyone with Admin access can login, and sudo.
>>      - Various services we want to be dependable placed here like
>>          FOSS GIS Book Wiki
>>          SVN servers
>>          OSGeo Membership Application
>>          Buildbot master
>> (ldap.osgeo.org)
>>      - Most secure.
>>      - does not use ldap service for authentication - only give  
>> out root as
>>        needed.
>>      - for now, just ldap server.  Perhaps a few other "high  
>> security"
>>        services later.
>> Other servers might be used for experiments, or possibly "live  
>> backups"
>> for now, with the intent to deploy stuff to them in the future as our
>> needs evolve.
>> Best regards,

Allan Doyle
adoyle at eogeo.org

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