[SAC] download server

Auke Jilderda auke at collab.net
Tue Nov 7 07:00:18 EST 2006

On 06 November 2006 19:11, Jason Birch wrote:
> That's brutal.  New DNS entries should be a 24 hour turnaround at
> most.  Not like it takes a lot of work.

This one was all me, I had overlooked the request.

In the current situation, I am the bottleneck for any requests from
OSGeo.org towards CollabNet.  Of course you can call me if there is
something urgent but how about organising this a bit differently to
remove the single point of failure: We can enable a number of people
from OSGeo.org to be able to directly contact CollabNet Support, report
issues, and request enhancements.  Preferably, these persons would be on
different continents to cover time zones and cultures.  Does that make

> Yet another reason for the move.



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