Server specifications

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at
Thu Oct 19 12:50:18 EDT 2006

Hi all,

While the original service migration plan called for the use of OSUOSL
for colocating a server, we have run into a roadblock in getting an SLA
with them; they have to be careful about not crossing the
academic/commercial line.  We do still have a virtual server there if we
need it, and they are interested in coordinating with us in more
academic GIS areas.

Because of this, I have started putting together a matrix of some
important features from a variety of web hosts that, in my research,
have been shown to have exceptional uptime and satisfaction levels, as
well a recommendation from the OSL administrator.  As much as I hate
wiki tables, I've put my initial attempt at a matrix up on the
transition plan wiki page along with any further recommendations I
receive in the interim later this afternoon.  Bob/Don have volunteered
to help with the research, and I'd appreciate any other help or
suggestions of other high-availability hosts if you have time.  I'd love
for active participation as we go along so that we can present a
completed matrix and a recommendation to the officers of the foundation
first thing next week.

I'm currently favouring fully managed servers such as Rackspace and
LiquidWeb because of the security they give us for uptime, and because
they take away the need for us to pay for day-to-day OS and core
application management.  I have added a couple unmanaged servers to the
list, and if anyone has any particularly good experiences with
high-availability co-los, I'd appreciate some guidance so that we can
present some alternatives.  However, I don't know that we want to take
on responsibility for our own hardware; our resources are stretched
enough as it is.

We'll also need to solicit input for a system administrator with
experience with Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SVN, mailing lists, Trac,
etc, that we can retain for some initial setup help, and an ongoing
support contract for the next year.

Once Tyler comes on board, he will be spearheading this work, but we
need to push ahead before then if we want to get done by the end of the


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