[SAC] Moving Wiki?

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Thu Mar 1 10:47:10 EST 2007

Just wanted to ask if anyone thought about moving the wiki?   
Currently it is generously hosted by a company in Germany.  For the  
most part it has running really really well, but certain  
administrative privileges and shell access are not possible for us.   
Even posting a new logo took a long time because we couldn't do it  
ourselves.  The donors are generous but busy :)

I think Arnulf was also suggesting we move, and it makes sense to me,  
but I don't know the ins/outs of doing so.  I just wanted to bring it  
up because it would be nice to get SSO for wiki as well as having it  
on a server OSGeo can more directly manage.

Any thoughts?


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