[SAC] #103: Move main OSGeo Wiki to OSGeo infrastructure

Martin Spott Martin.Spott at mgras.net
Thu Nov 1 19:41:11 EDT 2007

Frank, Christopher,

On Thu, Nov 01, 2007 at 07:47:47PM -0400, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Martin Spott wrote:

> >BUT first we have to pour all the missing Wiki users into the LDAP
> >directory (those who don't already have an OSGeo account). Certainly
> >the funniest part is to find out those users, which use different user
> >names for the Wiki an OSGeo and to decide how to deal with these.

> I'm of the opinion that we should flush the existing wiki userids, and
> just get people to login with OSGeo userids, with a pointer to where to
> get one.  I just hate to think of all those extra userids getting dumped
> into LDAP.

I agree, but I suspect we won't get a clean migration without dealing
with this topic. In fact the Wiki contains a huge edit history and
every edit is related to a unique user name. I would _not_ like to
break these relations. We should at least merge and adapt those Wiki
users which show up in the edit history.
I even offer to take on this - well, no promises right now if this is
going to succeed. In my day job I'm forced to perform unaesthetic
solutions occasionally because customers insist on it. I don't want
repeat this in my spare time ....

Until next week I'm buried with other tasks (customer-, private- and
OSGeo-related). After this period is over I'd attempt to figure how a
solution could look like.
I'm pretty convinced that I'd need a copy of the whole Wiki for
testing. Therefore I will cut the 'wiki.osgeo.net' DNS name which
currently points to the official wili and later use it for testing
purpose. So please never publish the .net name.

I guess I'd start with SSL-encrypted connections for the session
authentication and afterwards deal with making a plan on how to merge
the users. In this context we should think about SSLifying the Trac
login as well. Currently the usernames/passwords are being transferred
in plain text at least during login !!

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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