[SAC] website where art thou

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Mon Aug 2 19:12:04 EDT 2010

With a helpful reminder/prodding from the geotools-user email list I was reminded that the geotools.org website was offline.
Jason sent along the message that we should assemble on this email list to sort things out.

I was not aware of the ProjectsVM (and I assume that is how mapserver.org has been restored). What steps can we take to restore the geotools.org website; I am afraid I am not a linux admin and am likely to be much help myself.


> Not sure if my earier email to the list via Nabble showed up (I should know better).  Here's the content:
> I'm listed as a DNS admin for geotools.org, and received an email from a user that the geotools.org website was offline. 
> Had a quick chat with the OSGeo administrators on IRC, and apparently the server is in the middle of an extended downtime.  Because of the nature of this downtime, they suggested that it would be best for the Geotools community to work via the OSGeo Systems Administration Committee mailing list ( http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/sac ) to transition the geotools.org website to the new Projects VM: 
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/ProjectsVM
> Jason
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