[SAC] Fair projectsVM usage

Martin Spott Martin.Spott at mgras.net
Tue Apr 3 03:43:03 EDT 2012

In an attempt to eliminate the causes of performance issues affecting
the projects VM and (hopefully) as a starting point for general
directory cleanup I've moved the "/osgeo/tilecache/wms-c/cache/"
directory to "/var/cache/tilecache/".
I've added an "Alias /wms-c/cache /var/cache/tilecache" to the Apache
config in "/etc/apache2/sites-available/tilecache and I've modified the
"base=" in "/osgeo/tilecache/wms-c/metacarta.cfg" accordingly.

As far as _I_ can tell the tilecache is still working as expected, but,
please, affected parties, check your sites as well and report failures.

This change cuts the backup time for the projects VM just for the
differential !! backup in half because it skips the check for about 5
million files.

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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