[SAC] OSGeo4 VM revamp Plan

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Fri Sep 19 14:27:39 PDT 2014

Justin & Team,

Based on our discussions at FOSS4G. Here's the plan to do some shuffling
and updates on the OSGeo hardware.

Overview - move VMs off osgeo4 and redo the OS and Raid (Software Raid 5)

Step 1.
Make sure Martin Spott knows how to use his new access of osgeo3 and
osgeo4 OS.

Step 2.
Change the mail.osgeo.osuosl.org VM to drbd
Sync it over to osgeo3, failover to osgeo
Change back to non-drbd

Step 3.
Schedule downtime (Mid-october) to turn off and copy Adhoc, Projects and
possibly QGIS to OSUOSL Ganeti cluster for a few days.
We might want a fresh Debian 7 VM for a QGIS rebuild - still checking

Step 4.
Upgrade/Redo the osgeo4 OS. OSUOSL has a new standard right? We're fine
with that as long as Martin gets access to troubleshoot.

Step 5.
Benchmark to make sure the disks are performing ok.

Step 6. Move Mail, QGIS, Adhoc and Projects back.

Long term, we will continue to investigate new hardware, docker, and are
open to suggestions on how to upgrade osgeo3 host OS with minimal

Please get back to us with a schedule for who and when we might do each
of these steps.


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