[SAC] safe/good max msg size for mailinglists?

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Fri Dec 9 01:57:11 PST 2016


I've received some 'complaints' from QGIS-list users who added a QGIS 
screendump to a mailing list answer and did get rejected/hold because 
the size of the message was more then 40/60/80/100K (depending on the 
list :-) ).

Question to other list admins, I think it is good if people are able to 
add a normal screenie to an email. I tested, a screenshot png is about 
1.2Mb, saved as jpg it is 350K (using shutter screenshot tool)...

So Question:
- is there a security/disk use problem if I would bring the size to.. 
say 500K ? Still people have to be carefull...

Or do admins think that costs too much disk/space, or is there a 
security thread?


Richard Duivenvoorde

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