[SAC] [MOTION] Grant me 50 hours of sysadmin work

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Mon May 23 10:46:24 PDT 2016

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io> wrote:
> During the meeting of this Friday it was proposed to grant a contract
> for a fixed amount of hours to be spent on sysadmin work.
> Looking at the numbers (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/SAC:Budget) there
> should be enough money for buying 100 hours at 100 EUR / hr.
> This motion is for approving spending half of those 100 hours on
> buying my own time. With such a contract I could continue with
> doing what I'm already doing but ensuring continuity for one month.
> For a record of what I've been doing so far I think the archives
> of this mailing list contain all the details, but it's roughly about
> trac improvements, spam fighting, SAC procedures documentation
> updates, git services and general tickets backlog activity.


> I'm asking for 50 hours as I think Martin Spott might also be
> interested in taking the other 50. If this is not the case,
> I might be available for more after the first slot completes.

(I hope he actually asks for it)



Markus Neteler
http://www.mundialis.de - free data with free software

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