[SAC] Experimental go git service open for tests on osgeomachine

Guido Stein guido at guidostein.com
Tue Sep 6 08:48:04 PDT 2016

Hi Brian,

Thank you for your input on my question. I appreciate the effort you put
into researching this issue.

I really like the gogs website for osgeo. It's a nice simple interface and
allows for quick setup (using current user names and all).

I apologize if I struck any nerve about the political ramifications of
github vs gogs. I am looking for guidance and will take your prospective
into consideration. It's really great for me to have so many passionate
resources on getting things done.

Best Regards,


On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 11:18 AM Brian M Hamlin <maplabs at light42.com> wrote:

> Hi Guido -
>   Earlier this year, while building the OSGeo-Live, I noticed a few more
> projects moving to Github dot com.
> I made a few statements at the time amounting to "it is a fundmental
> responsibility of a FOSS dot-org
> to keep internal infrastructure independent of commercial vendor front
> ends" and the like. This was met
> with mixed responses, and in one case outright hostility. However, I
> believe some resonate with the
> msg, too.
> Sandro started the GOGS service and vastly improved the internal docs:
>   https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/SAC:Git_Service
> To answer the question "What are other large FOSS dot-orgs current
> best-practices ?"
> I researched a LOT about other large dot-orgs' backends here :
>   https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GitHostingSoftware
> --
>   To my mind it is as a naive statement to say "is everyone going to
> Github dot com" as saying
> "people are voting for Hillary Clinton" .. it is not at all settled, and
> each group has its own context.
>  But yes, plenty of OSGeo projects are deep in Github, including the big
> ones.
>   The reasoning and rationale for using a git front-end like Github
> changes, but it is probably safe to
> say that solid ticketing and custom previews of GeoJSON and the like, are
> addictive and do make daily
> work easier / fun.  It is obvious that one contender for Github
> replacement, GOGS, is a clone of Github,
> down to the page names, fonts and colors.
>   With all this said, I will repeat to anyone willing to listen, that I
> believe it is essential and a responsibility
> of a FOSS dot org like OSGeo to maintain critical infrastructure on FOSS
> stacks, run by the
> OSGeo admins.  Git being git, projects can use what they choose to do work.
>   best regards from Berkeley, California
>   --Brian M Hamlin
> PS- subversion is technically flawed regarding the checksum of contents..
> such that it is no longer
> secure to keep master copies in subversion.
> On Tue, 06 Sep 2016 13:58:16 +0000, Guido Stein <guido at guidostein.com>
> wrote:
> Is github where projects amd chapters are going?
> I think non-ssh sign in is a bit insecure, no?
> Thanks for your feedback.
> Guido
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016, 09:38 Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>
> wrote:
>> Guido: I've created a '2017.foss4g.org' repository there, please login
>> and let me know your user ID, and I will add you to the team.  -jeff
>> On 2016-09-06 10:32 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> > Hi Guido,
>> >
>> > Actually we are already using this for FOSS4G (please login here and let
>> > me know when you have, and let me know your user id, and then I can add
>> > you to the 'foss4g' team).  https://git.osgeo.org/gogs/foss4g/
>> >
>> > Right now there are only 2 repositories ('foss4g.org' for that main
>> > landing page of logos, and 'video.foss4g.org'), but I could create a
>> > '2017.foss4g.org' repository for you.  Let me know.
>> >
>> > -jeff
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 2016-09-06 10:24 AM, Guido Stein wrote:
>> >> When will ssh be added to this service? When will this service be an
>> >> official non test?
>> >>
>> >> Just trying it out and had some questions.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for all your efforts.
>> >>
>> >> -Guido
>> >>
>> >> On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 2:37 AM Sandro Santilli <strk at keybit.net
>> >> <mailto:strk at keybit.net>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>     On Fri, Apr 08, 2016 at 07:56:02PM -0400, Tom Kralidis wrote:
>> >>     >
>> >>     > Anyone have any idea/feedback on the scope/scale?  Are we
>> >>     > looking for a full fledged web/SCM env, or something as an
>> >>     > alternative to keep lighter weight repositories, etc.?
>> >>
>> >>     I think for a start it would be useful to have something that
>> >>     allows us to keep system configurations in private repositories,
>> >>     like this: https://git.osgeo.org/_gogs_/sac/gogs-config
>> >>
>> >>     I did start keeping more configs under local gits on the trac/svn
>> >>     machine but didn't push it yet to the SCM.
>> >>
>> >>     We could also use Gogs to more easily manage operational tickets,
>> >>     creating  issue-only repositories for operational purposes, like:
>> >>     https://git.osgeo.org/_gogs_/sac/gogs-service
>> >>
>> >>     That said, Gogs is in alpha stage and its development is very
>> >>     active. I still don't have a sense of how many features are
>> >>     missing that are really important for OSGeo projects and would
>> >>     like to know. The https://git.osgeo.org/_gogs_/sac/gogs-service
>> >>     repo might serve that purpose (see Issues).
>> >>
>> >>     --strk;
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>> --
>> Jeff McKenna
>> MapServer Consulting and Training Services
>> http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/
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> --
> Brian M Hamlin
> OSGeo California Chapter
> blog.light42.com
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