[SAC] where would a CI server best be installed ?

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Fri Apr 7 08:06:00 PDT 2017

On 04/06/2017 10:18 AM, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I'd like to move the Drone server from my own machines to
> one of the OSGeo ones. The server is associated to the
> Gogs instance and only orchestrates the work of "agents"
> (build slaves) which run on developers machines.
> It is a statically linked executable (written in Go)
> so can run easily on any machine.
> This mail is to ask where it would be best installed,
> and to request a DNS entry for it (drone.osgeo.org).
> I've understood there is some munin monitoring for the
> different machines, but I don't know if there's a single
> view showing which machine has the least load for choosing
> it for next service...
> --strk; 

I don't need a monitor to know.

OSGeo4 needs to be retired asap before another drive fails.

OSGeo3 is scheduled to be replaced with a new machine hopefully this
year and currently runs Trac,OSGeoWeb and Downloads. The replacement
would be a candidate.

OSGeo6 is the only current candidate.


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