[SAC] FOSS4G domain mail server

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 07:49:56 PDT 2020

Dear OSGeo SAC,

The FOSS4G 2021 LOC wants to send emails with the "2021.foss4g.org" or
"foss4g.org" domain, whatever is easier for you.

The kind of mails we are going to send are both simple emails and
enriched emails sent in batches (like mailing lists to people
interested in FOSS4G and current year's attendees).

Does OSGeo have a mail server we can use for this?
If not, would SAC host a mail server for this?
If not, the LOC can host a mail server somewhere and ask SAC to point
the subdomain MX to our server.

We are aware of the difficulties of hosting a mail server, so we are
open to leverage SAC from this task.

We are fine with any solution, as long as we are able to send
marketing campaigns and ticket sales emails reliably (that are not
lost, bounced back because the size of the attachments is too large,

Thank you for your kind work,

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