[SAC] [Hosting] [RESOLVED] DDoS on OSL DNS Servers

Lance Albertson lance at osuosl.org
Fri Oct 28 22:39:41 PDT 2022


Between 5-8:15PM PDT (0000-0315 UTC), our DNS servers experienced a DDoS
which affected DNS queries to our authoritative servers. Our caching
servers were also somewhat affected, but less so it seems. The attack
seemed to be sending millions of random queries to one of our hosted
project's domains.

I have a ticket open with LinkOregon to see if they have any additional
information. Apologies for any issues this might have caused.

We'll be looking at adding some additional rate limiting to hopefully
mitigate this more in the future.

If you have any other questions, please let me know via an email to
support at osuosl.org

Thank you!

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
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