[SAC] [OSGeo] #2972: Creation of a private gdal-psc at lists.osgeo.org

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Wed Aug 23 06:42:29 PDT 2023

#2972: Creation of a private gdal-psc at lists.osgeo.org
 Reporter:  rouault                |      Owner:  sac@…
     Type:  task                   |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                 |  Milestone:  Unplanned
Component:  Mails & Mailing Lists  |   Keywords:

 the GDAL PSC would like to have a *private* gdal-psc at lists.osgeo.org
 mailing list for its internal communication, that is without public
 archives and without possibility for external members to register.

 - Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
 - Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co>
 - Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com>
 - Frank Warmerdam <fwarmerdam at gmail.com>
 - Mateusz Loskot <mateusz at loskot.net>
 - Rahkonen Jukka <jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi>
 - Kurt Schwehr <schwehr at gmail.com>
 - Norman Barker <norman at tiledb.com>
 - Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at gmail.com>
 - Sean Gillies <sean.gillies at gmail.com>

 I can be the list administrator once it is created
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2972>
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