Let's move this list to discourse ?

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Fri Jan 5 09:18:38 PST 2024

On Fri, Jan 05, 2024 at 06:49:00PM +0200, Laurențiu Nicola wrote:
> > Now being a "subscriber" is pretty
> > easy, both with Mailman and with Discourse, but the point is that I value
> > the ability there must be a way for me and you to bring this conversation into
> > a private one, and I don't see any other way to do that w/out exchanging our
> > emails in the same way this email is being exchanged.
> You could log into Discourse and send a direct message with your email address.

I tried this, can any non-admin user see this message ?

> Anyway, I don't think we should move this list to Discourse. If some SAC
> members want it to behave exactly like mailman, that's really unlikely
> to happen in the near future. And I'm worried that trying to make it
> do that, e.g. by disabling HTML email support, would "poison the well"
> for everyone else.

I agree, let's keep the two things separated. Who's unhappy with a
mailing list can request using Discourse. I'd even disable the mirror,
unless it can be made very very clear that it is a read-only thing
(right now admin users can reply and that creates a discrepancy
between mailing list and Disurse view of the discussion).


  Libre GIS consultant/developer

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