PSC Vote: Budget revision 2025

Regina Obe lr at
Fri Jan 3 17:04:09 PST 2025



Not following what you mean by these two.


Item 1: Items that can be used by board to limit scope?  How would we detail that exactly. 

I think at a certain point you end up spending more time itemizing things, which takes time away from actually doing things.

Like I think all the SysAdmin stuff we itemized needs to be done eventually, sure we can keep pushing things down the road, but things will eventually blow up.

Sure we can not pay hosting fees to OSUOSL and sure they won’t kick us out, but I think that just makes us jerks.


Item 2: What are in-kind contributions from the SAC committee?  Is that like time volunteered that could be used as sponsorship instead of money?


e.g. if my company Paragon were to pay for my SAC time, would that constitute the equivalent of sponsorship and Paragon would be listed as a sponsor on site like other sponsors?

I actually like that idea and I think something we should do for others who do volunteer a lot of the their time to OSGeo and such time is under-appreciated, because we never put a price tag on those things.


I presume for the other “opportunities for participation”, you are thinking providing more detail as Json had mentioned of where he would serve best and how can we utilize his services?

That piece I honestly haven’t given much thought to.  I’d rather leave that to other people to decide for themselves, as many have e.g. you volunteered to administer discourse, website administration, and and that has been helpful.

Jsanz does a lot of the mailing list stuff.


>From my point of view, I’m more concerned with having 3 people who are familiar enough with our infra that they can backup each other. Building that level of trust takes time so I wouldn’t leave that up to casual volunteering.

That is ultimately not a nice to have, but a must have if we are to stay afloat.





From: Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at> 
Sent: Friday, January 3, 2025 4:43 PM
To: Sandro Santilli <strk at>
Cc: Regina Obe <lr at>; System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo <sac at>
Subject: Re: PSC Vote: Budget revision 2025


+0 for me


The budget succeeds in communicating expectations - but does not provide information to guide planning.


*	As an example line items that can be used by board to limit scope; to understand what it is possible to give up to reduce costs. Or line items that could be added to improve usability.
*	The wiki page could do a better job of capturing in-kind contributions of time from the SAC committee; or opportunities for participation (if our service providers wish to volunteer in-kind or financial support)


- -

Jody Garnett



On Jan 3, 2025 at 7:01:51 AM, Sandro Santilli <strk at <mailto:strk at> > wrote:

+1 from me, thanks Regina. Happy 2025 everyone!

Il 19 dicembre 2024 21:18:49 CET, Regina Obe <lr at <mailto:lr at> > ha scritto:

I've added one more line item to the SysAdmin budget -- contract to upgrade

MailMan and any unforeseen issues.


I figure  we should ask for it now so we don't have to request for it when

it's too late.  We will probably be turned down anyway.


I ask everyone to vote again and I will send to board for approval after.



+1 from me




Sent from hand-held device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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