[SeasonOfDocs] Hello

adam steer adam.d.steer at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 16:12:33 PDT 2019

Hi season of docs folks - I’m Adam Steer; I run a small consultancy working
on a range of geospatial things (best to go look in the website linked
below in my sig) from hydrographic data QC to tactical drone data pipelines
and reporting to ‘liberating’ teach materials for universities. In the past
I’ve worked on massive point cloud management and rendering in VR;
developing and implementing data infrastructures based on OGC standards;
and Antarctic field science (as well as a couple years on the tools as a
bicycle mechanic).

I am a board member of OSGeo Oceania and a charter member of OSGeo (also
just recently an OGC rep. on behalf of OSGeo) in my volunteer time; I’m a
software carpentry instructor; and run the occasional #geobeersCBR.

I agree with Cameron - that it makes sense for the OSGeo community to build
on and contribute to a ‘canon’ of materials and documentation.   it
certainly makes sense for my business!

I’ve written bespoke workshops for PDAL, QGIS, and data services
(WCS/NCSS/??) in the past - but these are also open materials anyone can
use - and for PDAL at least the style of the workshop (demonstrating
capabilities with end to end practical tasks) will make it’s way back to
the primary set of materials. I may end up delivering QGIS training as well
(yet another - since there’s business there!) - and contribute whatever I
find is useful back to the sources that I draw from.

After all that I’m not really a ‘developer’ but a scientific coder and
analyst - sitting in the interstitial spaces of software, writing, and

I don’t know how much time I’ll have to work on summer of docs stuff, but
happy to act as a mentor when needed!



Dr. Adam Steer
+61 427 091 712 ::  @adamdsteer

Suits are bad for business: http://www.spatialised.net/business-penguins/
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