[SoC] Student Slot Allocations

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Sat Apr 7 02:20:13 EDT 2007

On 07.04.2007 04:40, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Folks,
> It appears we have been allocated 15 student slots for OSGeo, which is 2.5
> students per project.  Once we have the final rankings in from all projects
> on Monday (or even if we don't) I will finish up the final rankings.

Wow, that is good news. GRASS #1 and #3 are proposals for the same
project. Is there a chance that Google will accept them both? If there
is, then I'd be happy to let someone else have slot Grass #3.



<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

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