[SoC] Student Slot Allocations

Cory Horner chorner at refractions.net
Sat Apr 7 18:55:06 EDT 2007

Wolf Bergenheim wrote:
> On 07.04.2007 04:40, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>> It appears we have been allocated 15 student slots for OSGeo, which is 2.5
>> students per project.  Once we have the final rankings in from all projects
>> on Monday (or even if we don't) I will finish up the final rankings.
> Wow, that is good news. GRASS #1 and #3 are proposals for the same
> project. Is there a chance that Google will accept them both? If there
> is, then I'd be happy to let someone else have slot Grass #3.
Holy shit...  I wasn't expecting 15!  I just arbitrarily listed the top 
15 because it was a nice number :D (we should probably list our top 20 

I'm not sure who makes the decisions, but I would guess most of us would 
be happy giving 2 slots to each project and a third to GRASS, GDAL, and 
GeoTools.  Those three should make sure they have a forth or even fifth 
lined up in the event that any one of the first 15 students is allocated 
elsewhere or doesn't make it for whatever reason. 

Wolf, If GRASS doesn't want 2 students doing the same work, you should 
choose the projects you want.  Grass is getting its top 3 picks, talk 
with your peers and come to a final decision... in just a few days the 
students will be notified and we'll be locked in.


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