[SoC] Re: OSGeo Google Summer of Code

Cory Horner chorner at refractions.net
Thu Mar 29 13:08:33 EDT 2007

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> By "our project" I assume you mean udig?  There is a risk in one of the
> OSGeo projects rating an application very high when the same student has
> applied with other projects outside of OSGeo (or even within OSGeo I
> suppose) but I don't see this as a case worth spending too many cycles
> worrying about.

I meant any arbitrary project, be it uDig, GeoTools, GDAL, ...

> I don't forsee our being able to provide instructions too Google beyond
> the scores so I think we should aim to work within that.

It is a flaw in their process, one that we should consider but not 
fixate upon.  I've sent a message to the gsoc list to see if they will 
consider factors besides the score during the allocation phase 
(contacting the admin, or at least looking at a wiki page).


>> Also, we might consider moving PostGIS up in the stack, since they got 
>> screwed last year.
> Well, an alternate way of looking at this is that if GDAL or GRASS get
> half their applications approved it will mean that PostGIS got all
> their applications approved by virtual of having far less applications.
> So I don't really see a problem here.
> But if this group can somehow form an alternate consensus in quick order
> we could use a different ordering criteria.
> Do we need an IRC meeting to hash this out?

I don't think it really matters; i'm just over-optimizing.  This isn't 
important until we know how many slots we have.


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