[SoC] Re: OSGeo Google Summer of Code

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Wed Mar 28 21:11:29 EDT 2007

Cory Horner wrote:
> Was just scanning the gsoc discussion group:
> "Rank the applications just as you would assuming there is no limit to 
> the number of students that will be allocated to your organization. 
> We'll give everyone at least one week's notice (after all student apps 
> have been received, but before accepted students are announced) as to 
> how many allocated student slots they will receive.  You can then mod 
> up/mod down the scores for applications so you select those your 
> organization truly wants."
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-summer-of-code-discuss/browse_thread/thread/cf46c13c49bbbd33 
> I was hoping the selection process was more sophisticated, but it seems 
> we are in the same boat as last year.  Unfortunately, there probably 
> won't be any input from our administrator to Google during their 
> all-night-allocate-the-students session, so if a highly-coveted student 
> goes to a different SoC project (a "conflict"), our project might get 
> shafted.  We should see if we can leave more complex instructions for 
> Google in the event that this happens (this is a low-probablity boundary 
> case though).


By "our project" I assume you mean udig?  There is a risk in one of the
OSGeo projects rating an application very high when the same student has
applied with other projects outside of OSGeo (or even within OSGeo I
suppose) but I don't see this as a case worth spending too many cycles
worrying about.

I don't forsee our being able to provide instructions too Google beyond
the scores so I think we should aim to work within that.

> Also, we might consider moving PostGIS up in the stack, since they got 
> screwed last year.

Well, an alternate way of looking at this is that if GDAL or GRASS get
half their applications approved it will mean that PostGIS got all
their applications approved by virtual of having far less applications.
So I don't really see a problem here.

But if this group can somehow form an alternate consensus in quick order
we could use a different ordering criteria.

Do we need an IRC meeting to hash this out?

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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