[SoC] SoC project report: Mapbender Update Routine

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Fri Jul 4 12:36:21 EDT 2008

Hey Siddhath,

It seems you are indeed picking up speed! :)

On 04.07.2008 18:12, Siddharth Prakash Singh wrote:
> What did I do this week:
> As suggested by Wolf, I analyzed the update script of Drupal. Their 
> update script can only update from the last version efficiently. I even 
> talked to few developers in their IRC channel. They said updating step 
> wise is recommended. But the best thing about their code is that they 
> have written it very beautifuly. And the code is documented 
> comprehensively. Also, the code is modular. A large number of functions 
> to accomplish different tasks. I learned a lot while analyzing the script.

The Drupal code is really very nice to read, and the people are very 
helpful. Glad to hear my tip was of use.



<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

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