[SoC] SoC Report: Mapbender Automated Update Routine

Siddharth Prakash Singh spsneo at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 09:20:12 EDT 2008

Hello all,

So we all have come halfway by now. Today I completed the first part of the
update routine. One more part is left now.

What did I do this week:
I completed the script for updating the database changes. And I committed
the entire code today itself with proper documentation.
Link of the commit:
For detail check out the README.txt file the update folder.

I used some trivial regular expressions to parse sql files. And used the
already defined constants in mapbender.conf to locate the correct sql files
for the update process. Details in the README.txt file

Special thanks to Christoph Baudson for his precious help in completing this
I am waiting for queries, feedback and suggestions.

What Next Week:
Next week I will start coding the script for updating the file system. I
will get an appointment with my mentor Christoph Baudson and have a detailed
discussion on the topic. Will experiment a bit and will exactly plan how to
move on. And will then start coding the next part.

Blocks: None


Siddharth Prakash Singh
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