[udig-devel] [SoC] uDig - Digital Evalation Model

andrea antonello andrea.antonello at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 01:29:46 EDT 2008

Josef, first of all my compliments. Keep on like that.

> That looks very fun ... I am trying to think of all the stuff we could do
> with an elevation layer; I assume we can make some kind of function that
> returns the height for a given point; next up we would want an operation to
> assign height values to lines; we could probably make one that performed a
> layer + dem = new layer.
> I am sure this is an area where the JGrass people are way ahead of me; I am
> not sure if their domain should be called hydrology or "downhillology".

We will for sure exploit Josef's work. I'm looking forward to play
around with those a bit. We already have several modules in JGrass
that make calculations through interaction of feature and raster
layers as for example network extraction from dem to shapefile. In
fact they are the most funny :)
I am hoping that Josef's plugin will give us one more (often used)
format to start from.


> Jody
>> Hi all,
>>     this week I have finished module IncrementalDT - both of its two
>> variants of data storing (to memory, to file). I created interface
>> DelaunayDataStore. Two classes (DelaunayDataStoreHDD and
>> DelaunayDataStoreRAM) implement this interface. The used algorithm is
>> incremental insertion and the main data structure is R-tree.
>> The next finished module is TINWithFixedLines which solves fixed lines in
>> TIN. Input is a computed TIN as object DelaunayDataStore and List of fixed
>> lines. Output is corrected TIN as DelaunayDataStore.
>> The last finished module is LinearContourLines which computes izolines
>> from TIN. The module uses linear interpolation and it creates a new
>> shapefile of izolines.
>> All of three modules you can test here:
>>  http://git.zcu.cz/svn/bakalarky/bezdek/
>> I send a little demonstration how the modules work on random points - you
>> can see it in these pictures:
>> TIN_orig.jpg - it shows computed TIN ( TIN is generated from 200 random
>> points),
>> TIN_fixedLines.jpg - it shows the same TIN with one fixed line,
>> contour_model.jpg - you can see extracted izolines from corrected TIN.
>> Next week I want to begin with programming of module BezierSurface, which
>> will divide every triangle to several little triangles. The elevation of the
>> newly formed vertexes will be computed with the aid of nonlinear Bezier
>> interpolation.
>> Greets Josef Bezdek
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