[udig-devel] [SoC] uDig - Digital Evalation Model

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Fri Jul 11 18:30:31 EDT 2008

That looks very fun ... I am trying to think of all the stuff we could 
do with an elevation layer; I assume we can make some kind of function 
that returns the height for a given point; next up we would want an 
operation to assign height values to lines; we could probably make one 
that performed a layer + dem = new layer.

I am sure this is an area where the JGrass people are way ahead of me; I 
am not sure if their domain should be called hydrology or "downhillology".

> Hi all,
>      this week I have finished module IncrementalDT - both of its two 
> variants of data storing (to memory, to file). I created interface 
> DelaunayDataStore. Two classes (DelaunayDataStoreHDD and 
> DelaunayDataStoreRAM) implement this interface. The used algorithm is 
> incremental insertion and the main data structure is R-tree.
> The next finished module is TINWithFixedLines which solves fixed lines 
> in TIN. Input is a computed TIN as object DelaunayDataStore and List 
> of fixed lines. Output is corrected TIN as DelaunayDataStore.
> The last finished module is LinearContourLines which computes izolines 
> from TIN. The module uses linear interpolation and it creates a new 
> shapefile of izolines.
> All of three modules you can test here:  
> http://git.zcu.cz/svn/bakalarky/bezdek/
> I send a little demonstration how the modules work on random points - 
> you can see it in these pictures:
> TIN_orig.jpg - it shows computed TIN ( TIN is generated from 200 
> random points),
> TIN_fixedLines.jpg - it shows the same TIN with one fixed line,
> contour_model.jpg - you can see extracted izolines from corrected TIN.
> Next week I want to begin with programming of module BezierSurface, 
> which will divide every triangle to several little triangles. The 
> elevation of the newly formed vertexes will be computed with the aid 
> of nonlinear Bezier interpolation.
> Greets Josef Bezdek
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> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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