[SoC] SoC Report: v.buffer/v.parallel reimplementation

Росен Матев r.matev at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 07:39:31 EDT 2008

Hi all,

This week's productivity was very low because of me studying for final
exams. I expect that I won't do much work next week, too.
Nevertheless, this week I analyzed algorithms and with two great ideas
from Wolf and Maris (codenamed "type B/C parallel lines") we will be
able to generate buffers around lines easily and what's more important
- correctly. Type B (and especially type C) lines are tricky for
generation. So far I've thought how to make type B lines and I'm
currently writing a function.
Blocks so far: no significant ones except from university exams

See this thread for some idea of type B/C lines:


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