[SoC] Mentor Summit

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Tue Aug 25 01:13:56 EDT 2009

Google has confirmed the SoC Mentor summit to be on 24th to 25th
October in Googleplex, Mountainview California. OSGeo might be able to
get an invitation for two mentors to attend. I'd like to know if any
mentor here would be interested in participating. Last year the
request was at most one from without USA due to cost savings etc. I
assume the request will be the same this year, since the economy is
even worse this year.

Anyway if you are interested and have time, please drop me a line so
that I know.

And yes I do realize that FOSS4G takes place on the 3 days preceding
this summit, but hey, what better excuse to travel more? :P

Thanks for your attention,
Wolf Bergenheim
OSGeo GSoC Administrator

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