[SoC] OSGeo SoC web3D Project?

Simone Giannecchini simone.giannecchini at geo-solutions.it
Tue Mar 24 07:23:09 EDT 2009

Ciao Christian,
you might want to check if deegree has something.
Anyway, you might find people interested in mentoring this as part of
the geotools/geoserver project. There is also some previous work in
this area. Notice that I believe that having an OS implementation of
the server is an essential part of this project if you want to find
someone that will mentor it.
Actually, you might find someone that would work with you and do the
server part, let's say in GeoServer.


On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Christian Willmes
<c.willmes at uni-koeln.de> wrote:
> hi,
> Simone Giannecchini schrieb:
>> Ciao Christian,
>> one question, do you have identified any available Open Source W3DS
>> implementations out there?
> The only implementation of W3DS I know of is the work[1] of Prof. A.
> Zipf's working group at University of Bonn. And as far as I can see it
> is not OpenSource.
> Do you know any other implementations?
> Thanks
> Christian
> [1] http://www.osm-3d.org/

Ing. Simone Giannecchini
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Owner - Software Engineer
Via Carignoni 51
55041  Camaiore (LU)

phone: +39 0584983027
fax:      +39 0584983027
mob:    +39 333 8128928



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