[SoC] Interested in GPU-based processing

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Thu Apr 1 02:27:55 EDT 2010

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 12:45 AM, Seth Price <seth at pricepages.org> wrote:
> Hey all, I'm interested in writing GPU-based code to improve the speed of
> GRASS and GDAL as a GSoC project. It's such a basic operation that is used
> often, I think it'll be very useful for a broad audience. (I know it will in
> my own work.) I have a few questions for the community:
> 1) Would both GRASS and GDAL be interested in this project? It's my intent
> to write the code for both projects, but I'd like to know if there's a lack
> of interest.

On the contrary, we are very interested to get GPU support into GRASS.
Some discussions have already taken place:


See links therein for discussion about CUDA versus OpenCL. Please
don't hesitate to bring this up on the grass-dev mailing list since some
experts are not reading here to my knowledge.


> 4) What other GRASS modules are most in need of a speed boost? My current
> plan is only to improve resampling and reprojecting operations over the
> summer, but I'm curious what else I should look at.

A selection could be also driven by popularity of a module, say, some commands
are way more often used than others. I started a list in above mentioned Wiki
page which I'll send to grass-dev for discussion.

thanks for your interest,


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