[SoC] SoC report at FOSS4G - reports

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 05:14:09 EDT 2010

Hi all,

this year at OSGeo annual FOSS4G conference in Barcelona Wolf and me are
preparing a presentation about GSoC 2010. 
It will be cool to have mentors and students reports about their
experience, so feel free to email me and/or the list with e.g.:
 - what you appreciated most
 - lessons learned
 - what you would improve in next year's SoC
 - [students] if you wish to become a stable $your_project developer /
reapply as student / become a mentor next year
 - etc..

the presentation will be on Tuesday, 7th September. Contributions will
be accepted anytime before the presentation :)

many thanks in advance!

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